Papegaaistraat 26
8432 Middelkerke (LEFFINGE)
+32 (59) 30.42.45

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Pentagram reading, chakra healing and reiki on Maes was initiated into the Old or Nature religion. The Old religion retraces back to the essence that everything that is in the universe and which is not created by humans is believed to be connected by an intricate web of energy or life-force, including humans as well.
She also enjoyed an education that was handed down from generation to generation, about herbs and herbal medicine from her grandmother. This had planted the seed to graduate later in life as a herbalist-artisan with a thesis on the Gorse, Furze, Whine (Ulex europaeus L.).
She is also ordained as a Rosicrucian. Her starting point is the knowledge that the Gnostic core principle is inseparable from the microcosm, the little world; the original structure of spiritual man, by the fall became latent. When the heart, symbolized by the Rose, can begin to unfold, this spiritual core principle can become the leading force of the life of man. This is the beginning of a radical change: the transfiguration, the genesis and development of the original three-fold man: spirit, soul and body.
Miriam Maes is also Reiki Master, trained in Reiki I to III in Glastonbury, the ancient, well-known and respected Avalon in Britain.
From this spiritual training and her art education, arose her Transformational Art - Ceramics and Pentagram Reading. Through a handmade Pentagram, original designed by her with herbs - plants - flowers and a combination of oxides and dyes, it is possible to do a Reading about the past and present, to give advice on health - food - colour - gems.